October 31,2022 Township News According to the local residents, after being warned, some non-CDM reaches did not go to school, and the parents of the students did not send their own children to schools. Due to these conditions, there are ...

October 31,Ye Local residents informed to Mon State News, there are almost no students going to schools in Ye Township and some schools are temporarily closed due to the political instability of the territory. In Ye Township, the engagements of ...

We pay our respects to our revolutionary comrades who have died in the middle of the journey of the revolution that has not yet ended. YGF has increased its speed and vowed to attack the terrorist council until it is ...

Ye – 18th October It has been reported that Comrade Thiha Nay Soe, also known as Toby or Agga, who is in charge of Mon State Revolutionary Organization(MSRO), was killed in a battle near Plaiki Village, Duya Village, Ye Township, ...

October 18, 2022  16:15  Ye township, Mon State  On 18th October 2022 – 16:15pm, Ye Guerrilla Force and alliance forces attacked Kha Ma Ya 343 which is near Ar Yu Taung Village with 40mm for four times.  We still couldn’t ...

On September 15th, at 5:00 p.m., the Federal Freedom UG force and the Military Council unit that carried weapons and combat equipments met on Khunhnit Kway Mountain between Mudon-Kyikmaro and a shooting occurred. It is reported that 1 policeman is ...

More than 10 people from the military council convoy were injured and killed after an ambush attack on Ye-Thanbyuzayat road. October 15,2022 On October 15th, at past 6:30 p.m., a 7-vehicle military council convoy was driving from Ye township to ...

Mawlamyine, October (15) Even though it is in the pre winter period, the construction industry in cannot resume due to the skyrocketed price of construction materials”, said by the local construction business owner. Within one and a half year period ...

Mawlamyaing October 16, 2022 Trader of betel nuts in Mon State explained that less demand of export and the lower market price are big problems. It will even leads to the market crisis if it is continue in that way. ...

September 21, 2022 The clashes between SAC gangs and PDFs are more frequent in these days. Normally, this is the time of post monsoon and local people travel around to pay homage the elders. But commuting between ‘Ye’ and villages ...