Nearly 20 members of the military council were killed in 4 days in KNU district

Nearly 20 members of the military council were killed in the battle in 4 days in KNU Phapon district
Phapon October (14)

The KNU Brigade (5) reported that 19 members of the Military Council were killed and 13 were injured in the clash between the Karen National Union (KNU) in Phapon District from October 7th to 10th.

On October 10th, the Military Council troops were attacked (1) time in Lutho Township, Phapon District, KNU. According to the statement, three military council members were killed in two ambushes, one in Dwa Lo Township and another attack in Butho Township.

In addition, last October (9) in Phapon City, The KNLA troops attacked the military council troops in Kopei village, killing (11) military council troops and (10) injured.

On October 8th and October 7th, there were four battles between the KNLA Brigade(5) and the Military Council Army in Phapon District. According to the KNLA Brigade(5), five troops from military council died and 3 were injured.

During the 4-day fighting between the two sides, 3 local residents were hit and injured when the military council troops opened fire.

After the military coup d’état in Phapon District, the area controlled by the KNU Brigade (5), more than 100,000 residents have fled to safe places due to the fighting between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the Military Council.